Wednesday, February 09, 2005

.:Human Hatred:.

There will never be peace.
Humans were meant to destroy.
Play around with things
As if they were toys.
Look around the world
And see what we've done.
We make fun of others,
And hurt them with knives and guns.
Discrimination, abuse,
Racism, and words no child should use.
So why do we do this to each other?
Hurt their pride and soul
Why do we hate so much.
Is it somehow our goal?

This poem is dedicated to Cara. We got into a fight earlier today. From something Skyler kinda... accidentally said, and Cara got really mad. You could read her blog and how she realized how people hate others and how they felt (which I was kinda surprised she didn't know how it felt to be made fun of your thoughts, or at least, that's the case for me). And when commenting, I started writing sentences and I realized I could write a poem. So those sentences became the first 2 lines. I use those two lines I lot. I know there will never be peace, because we can't even stand ourselves. Humans were meant to destroy, look around, and you will see what I mean. We haven't even civilized the moon and yet, we have tons of junk in space. Junk we don't clean up, like my brother's room (lol, just made that up. His room is a pigsty!!! You can't even see the floor) I heart you too Cara!


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