Monday, January 31, 2005

*slaps head* Stop Forgetting!!! *slaps head*

Oh my gosh, I keep on forgetting this, for some reason. Yes, just like Cara said, .:My Shadow:. is dedicated to Amanda, my sort of friend, kinda. It was lunch at school, and we were outside, in our "spot" with Cara (well, it's not really my spot, it's theirs), and she was thinking of poems I should write. Of course, as she's a horse maniac, she wanted me to do a poem about them. I don't love them, and I don't know much about them, and haven't really been in contact (that sounded wrong....) with them (besides my neighbor having 2, or 3, I dunno.....). So then, we were looking at our shadows, and she said to do a poem about shadows. I thought and was like, "Oh, I can do that, sure." Then, of course, I started it on the bus. For some reason, it's like the best spot for me now to come up with poems. It's weird, so don't ask me why.

Another thing, I was supposed to put at the end of that blog below this, is a link to what Cara had to say about the pep assembly. She was elsewhere, so has a different view and stuff. And she didn't see that thing with Frank and his fuzzy dice *me and Brittni crack up* ok, the link is here (just go to her blog). Cara played in the basketball game and stuff, so she was close to the action. And it took her a much shorter time writing it!! So she should have a better memory and stuff...... *yawn* let me go back to sleep..... LOL, Frank and his fuzzy dice!! heeheeheeheeheee... *yawn* good night...

OH!!! Thanks music, for reminding me (I'm listening to Slipknot.... hey, I feel asleep listening to it a little before 4:30, then woke up an hour later.....) I'm thinking, wait, I'm going to put music on here. And the person who made the codes and stuff, said that they aren't working (some do work) and she found out why, so if it's not fixed by tomorrow (Feb. 1) then....... something, I forgot....... and I'll like change the songs.... whenever I feel like it. Some are really good, and others I haven't heard, so don't hurt me!!! oh, and it's on of those with the play and stop thing, so if you don't like it, just press stop. Hmmmm, what should the first one be..... *tries to find one that works*

k, I fixed it. Thanks to Cara, I didn't notice that instead of .:My Shadow:. I said .:Secrets:. SORRY!!!!! I was tired!


Blogger Megan said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You're right!!! friggin' god!!!! Let me change that now... *slaps head*

3:15 PM  

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