Wednesday, February 02, 2005

So Cold

I’m so cold,
And you’re so warm
Hold me tight,
And I’ll no longer mourn.
Why is the wind so cold?
During a nice fall day.
Why is the rain so warm?
On a nice summer’s day.
I guess it’s true
What they say about me
So cold blooded
Is what they see in me.
Cold heart, and a sick mind
Is the only thing
That they can find.
No friends of mine
Have ever gotten so close
As you.
I feel I can share all my secrets
With only you.
I’m not so cold,
Am I?
But now I’m dying
The light is leaving my eyes
Penetrated by darkness
I still feel you hold me.
In my mind, I smile
Knowing that someone had found me
The true me that no one can see.
I feel I’m floating away.
But no!!
I want to hold on
I’ve finally found the meaning of life,
And I want another chance.
I want to live life
Knowing what it means.
A happier, brighter part of it
I will see.
Instead of the death, blood
And darkness that I have seen.
I try to grab on to my hope,
My lover who is holding me so.
I can’t feel it,
Oh no I can’t!
I can’t feel my fingers curl
Or touch any material.
I fear it’s too late
Much to late
For something in that life.
What will happen now?
My skin is so cold,
Though my heart is not.
In a new life,
If that’s what is to come,
I won’t let people think
My heart is so cold



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