Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Freezing Rain

Over the weekend, we had freezing. it was awesome. Where I live, we rarely get any snow, and get all excited when it does. So, there was freezing rain on Saturday, all day, with the strong winds, of course. I think the temp. was around 27 degrees.

I live on a 'mountain' called Mt. Norway (tell me if you've heard of it), so i believe I'm over 1000 ft. above sea level... I think. We have a big yard (2.5 acres) with a nice slope which wears you out if you run up it. So, we got a lot of ice (me: WOOHOOOOOOO!!!!)
Last year was so much fun, 'cause we got a TON of snow, then a nice layer of ice on top (around 3/4 in.) i was having so much fun on my hands and knees, sliding down the hill in our yard. My brother was so jealous cuz the ice breaks under him.

So, anyway, on Sunday, it was soooooo fun. It stopped raining ice, and there was little or no wind. And i went to go get the mail (500+ ft. away) and the driveway was SO slippery. on the concrete where the cars are parked (well, the 2 most used) and i slipped and fell. i started cracking up, though. then, our driveway goes uphill where it wasn't icy cuz of all the trees and stuff. Then after a while, it meets up to "the main driveway" cause there's like 3 other houses that share the same LONG driveway. Anyway, going down on the gravel driveway was soooo much fun!!! I was sliding down on my feet like i was on a surfboard or something like that....

Okay... fastfoward. Walking up the hill (driveway) again, I came across Jessie, one of my neighbor's dog. Now, Jessie has been through a lot of incidents and has a bad right leg (towards the hip bone, I dunno what it's called...) Jessie walked over to me, walking on the ice. You could tell she was slipping with her legs going in different directions. She tried to dig her claws in the ice, but it didn't help, so she retreated.

Back home, I avoided the concrete when an idea came across me. I dropped off the mail and headed back to the front yard. Pretty much, I was ice skating without skates. the concrete has a nice slope to it that lets me gain speed. I was out there for quite a while, trying not to fall. A piece of ice fell from a tree overhead. I tried to kick it out of the way, and fell. It hurt, really bad. I landed right on my hip bone, slightly on my butt, but my right leg got the most of it.... Yep, my bad leg. I laughed a bit and got back up, continuing to "skate". Before long, I fell again, I don't remember what happened though. I just... fell. This time, thankfully, I did not land on hip, but i still landed on my right leg. The lower part, this time, hurting my knee.

I got up and said, "Okay, that's it." Walking back into the house, with my pants, jacket, and gloves wet. My mom was sitting on the couch by the fireplace. And I said to her, "I don't think we should go ice skating tomorrow." We were think of going the next day. "Why?" she said. "Cause, I just fell two times. Not once, but two times. I'm gonna be really sore tomorrow."

I was right. On Monday, it hurt to sit in a certain position, and my right arm still hurts... possibly from my many falls.

Oh!!! And, Cara, my great friend, finally has a blog. Check it out.


Blogger My-Conscience said...

Hey Missy, how are you? I hope that you are okay. Soak in a warm bath with E-Salt and you should be fine. Make the water as hot as you can take it and when it starts to cool down add more hotwater and relax for about an hour. You should be alright. I am glad to hear your having fun.

9:00 PM  
Blogger My-Conscience said...

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9:11 PM  
Blogger Megan said...

I'm good. Thanx for your concern. Now I have to recover from the beach -_-;;

10:39 AM  

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